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【时间地点】 2012年8月18-19日 苏州
【培训讲师】 李宁成
【参加对象】 任何对关心实现高直通率和高可靠性的无铅焊点及想了解如何实现的相关人员都应该参加。
【参加费用】 ¥2500元/人 (含资料费、授课费、午餐)
【会务组织】 森涛培训网(www.stpxw.com).广州三策企业管理咨询有限公司
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【在线 QQ 】 568499978 培训课纲 课纲下载
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这个课程覆盖了电子行业在无铅转换中发生的焊接相关的问题。更重要的是它也体现了近年来行业在尽力解决这些问题作出的努力和成果。强调了波峰焊,选择性波峰焊和维修的制造工艺。讲述表面处理引起的问题,特别是锡须。关于焊料的选择,会提及什么样的合金焊料是合适的,权衡利弊,如何选择及评估。详细讨论那些难以避免的问题例如混合合金及便携设备对冲击损坏的敏感性. 基于有价值的案例提供建议.最后,回顾近来在对可靠性以及机械性关键因素的研究,来回答如何实现高可靠性的问题。
李宁成博士最新出版了《再流焊工艺和缺陷侦断:SMT,BGA,CSP和Flip Chip技术》。合著编写了《无铅,无卤素和导电胶材料的电子制造》。同时,他还编写了一系列关于无铅焊接书籍的章节。他荣获SMTA两项大奖和一项SMT杂志的最佳国际会议论文奖。2002年荣获SMTA杰出会员,2003年荣获Soldertec的无铅合作奖。2006年荣获CPMT特殊技术成就奖。他就职于SMTA执行董事会。此外,他还是《焊接与表面组装技术》、《世界SMT与封装》的编辑顾问,和IEEE电子封装制造的副编辑。他有众多的出版物以及经常应邀在全世界许多国际会议或者讨论会上作学术报告,发表演讲和简短课程。

Any one who care about achieving high yield and high reliability lead-free solder joints and like to know how to achieve them should take this course.

老师介绍:李宁成博士 1986年至今,任职于美国铟科技公司,现任该公司副总裁。在此之前,任职于Wright Patterson空军基地材料实验室(1981-1982),Morton化学(1982-1984)和SCM(1984-1986)。他在SMT助焊剂和焊锡膏方面有20多年的研究经验。此外,他在底部填充胶和粘接剂方面有着丰富的经验。现今,他的研究领域涉及到电子和光电子的互联与封装应用的先进材料,并且侧重于高性能与低成本。
李宁成博士于1981年在美国阿克伦城大学获得结构-性质关系聚合体科学博士学位。1976年,他在Rutgers 大学专修有机化学。1973年他在台湾国立大学获得化学学士学位。
李宁成博士最新出版了《再流焊工艺和缺陷侦断:SMT,BGA,CSP和Flip Chip技术》。合著编写了《无铅,无卤素和导电胶材料的电子制造》。同时,他还编写了一系列关于无铅焊接书籍的章节。他荣获SMTA两项大奖和一项SMT杂志的最佳国际会议论文奖。2002年荣获SMTA杰出会员,2003年荣获Soldertec的无铅合作奖。2006年荣获CPMT特殊技术成就奖。他就职于SMTA执行董事会。此外,他还是《焊接与表面组装技术》、《世界SMT与封装》的编辑顾问,和IEEE电子封装制造的副编辑。他有众多的出版物以及经常应邀在全世界许多国际会议或者讨论会上作学术报告,发表演讲和简短课程。
Ning-Cheng Lee is the Vice President of Technology of Indium Corporation of America. He has been with Indium since 1986. Prior to joining Indium, he was with Wright Patterson Air Force Base Materials Laboratory (1981-1982), Morton Chemical (1982-1984), and SCM (1984-1986). He has more than 20 years of experience in the development of fluxes and solder pastes for SMT industries. In addition, he also has very extensive experience in the development of underfills and adhesives. His current research interests cover advanced materials for interconnects and packaging for electronics and optoelectronics applications, with emphasis on both high performance and low cost of ownership.
He received his PhD in polymer science on structure-property relationships from University of Akron in 1981. Prior to Akron period, he has studied organic chemistry at Rutgers University in 1976. He received a BS in chemistry from National Taiwan University in 1973.
Ning-Cheng is the author of “Reflow Soldering Processes and Troubleshooting: SMT, BGA, CSP, and Flip Chip Technologies” by Newnes, and co-author of “Electronics Manufacturing with Lead-Free, Halogen-Free, and Conductive-Adhesive Materials” by McGraw-Hill. He is also the author of book chapters for several lead-free soldering books. He received two awards from SMTA and one from SMT Magazine for best proceedings papers of international conferences. He is honored as 2002 SMTA Member of Distinction, and received 2003 Lead-Free Co-Operation Award from Soldertec, and received 2006 Exceptional Technical Achievement Award from CPMT. He serves on the board of director for SMTA. Among other editorial responsibilities, he serves as one of the editorial advisory boards of Soldering & Surface Mount Technology, Global SMT & Packaging, and as associate editor for IEEE Transactions on Electronics Packaging Manufacturing. He has numerous publications and frequently gives presentations, invited seminars, keynote speeches, and short courses worldwide on those subjects at many international conferences or symposiums.

1. 表面处理问题
(1) 裂缝腐蚀
(2) 各种表面处理的品质和性能
(3) 各种表面处理的可靠性比较
2. 锡须 – 长期的威胁
(1) 锡须产生的原理
(2) 锡须的测量
(3) 锡堆积物残余应力测量
(4) 量化锡须的结晶及增长
(5) 加速锡须测试
(6) 锡须缓和: 使用者视角
3. 波峰焊及选择性波峰焊
(1) 针对波峰焊和选择性波峰焊的设计
(2) 助焊剂的选择和应用
(3) 合金类型对铜腐蚀及焊接的影响
(4) 流程参数和优化的影响
(5) 大而厚的板子 - 通孔的填充和空
4. 返工
(1) 减少不良的期望流程。
(2) 铜移除的维修参数和合金类型。
(3) 维修次数及合金类型对可靠度的影响。
(4) BGA & LCC的维修
(5) 低mp合金 1. Issues of Surface Finish
(1) Creep corrosion
(2) Quality and performance of various surface finishes
(3) Comparison of reliability of various surface finishes
2. Tin Whisker – The Lingering Threat
(1) Formation mechanism of Tin Whiskers
(2) Measurement of Tin Whiskers
(3) Residual Stress Measurement of Sn Deposits
(4) Quantifying the Role of Stress on Whisker Nucleation and Growth
(5) Accelerated Tin Whisker Test
(6) Tin Whisker Mitigation: User Perspective
3. Wave and Selective Soldering
(1) Design for wave and selective soldering
(2) Flux selection and application
(3) Effect of alloy type on Cu erosion and soldering
(4) Effect of process parameters and optimization
(5) Large thick board - Effect of hole fill and voiding on Reliability
4. Rework
(1) Desired process for reducing defects
(2) Rework parameters and alloy type on Cu removal
(3) Effect of rework cycles and alloy type on reliability
(4) Rework on BGA & LCC
(5) Low mp alloys for rework

5. 怎么处理混合合金
(1) 运送可靠性
(2) 外部可靠度
(3) 流程优化
6. 替换的无铅焊料合金
(1) 低Ag合金
(2) 高Cu合金
(3) 低温焊膏
(4) 新型合金
(5) 组合的坚固和耐热的特征
(6) 选择和评估新合金的策略
7. 便携设备可靠性
(1) 裂纹扩展
(2) 脆性失效原理
(3) 塑料变形和寿命限制
(4) 合金类型和微量添加剂对于冲击可靠性的影响
(5) BGA 风险评估
8. 关于可靠性的新发现
(1) 无铅焊膏的机械性能
(2) 成分,焊盘金属化和流程的状态冷却率的影响
(3) Ni对弯曲的影响
(4) 老化温度和保留时间的影响
(5) 连接的大小和翘曲的影响
(6) 颗粒大小比例系数和质地的影响
(7) 锡颗粒数量和方向的影响
(8) 保养环境的影响
(9) 微孔的构造
(10) 破裂机构和缝隙的增长
(11) 焊盘脱落
(12) 震动测试的可靠性
(13) 锡须增长 - 结晶结构大小的影响 
5. How to Handle Mixed alloys
(1) Forward reliability
(2) Backward reliability
(3) Process optimization
6. Alternative Lead-Free Solder Alloys
(1) Low Ag alloys
(2) High Cu alloys
(3) Low temperature solder
(4) Novel new alloys
(5) Combined non-fragility and thermal fatigue features
(6) Strategy in selecting and evaluating new alloys
7. Portable Devices Impact Reliability
(1) Crack propagation
(2) Brittle failure mechanism
(3) Plastic deformation & life prediction
(4) Effect of alloy type and micro-additives on impact reliability
(5) BGA risk assessment
8. New Findings on Reliability
(1) Mechanical properties of lead-free solder
(2) Effect of composition, pad metallization, and process condition & cooling rate
(3) Effect of Ni addition on bending
(4) Effect of aging temp and dwell time
(5) Effect of joint size and warpage,
(6) Effect of scaling factor on grain size and texture
(7) Effect of tin grain number and orientation
(8) Effect of service environment
(9) Microvoid formation
(10) Fracture mechanism and fatigue crack growth
(11) Pad crater failure
(12) Vibration Test reliability
(13) Creep – effect of size on crystal structure

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